Twitch Integration Shortcode Guide

Learn how to use the two types of Twitch Integration shortcode.

The StreamWeasels Twitch Integration plugins offer two types of shortcodes to embed Twitch streams on your website. Let's explore how to use them.

[sw-twitch-embed] Shortcode

Does not require a Twitch authentication token configured in the settings

The [sw-twitch-embed] shortcode allows you to embed a single Twitch stream with custom options. You can use this shortcode when you want to display a specific Twitch channel on your website.

To use the [sw-twitch-embed] shortcode, you can specify various parameters within the shortcode. Here's an example of how you can use it:

[sw-twitch-embed channel="lirik" autoplay="true" muted="true" embed-chat="false" theme="dark" width="100%"]

Replace "lirik" with the desired Twitch channel name, and adjust the other parameters according to your needs. Feel free to customize the parameters to match your preferences and requirements.

[sw-twitch] Shortcode

Requires a Twitch authentication token configured in the settings

The [sw-twitch] shortcode provides an advanced Twitch integration that allows you to embed multiple streams in various layouts. This shortcode gives you the flexibility to create dynamic and interactive Twitch displays on your site. It utilizes the settings you have configured on the main Twitch Integration settings page.

To use this shortcode, simply add [sw-twitch] to your content where you want the Twitch integration to appear. The plugin will automatically insert the Twitch integration according to your chosen settings. For example:

[sw-twitch layout="wall"]

[sw-twitch] Shortcode (Advanced)

Requires a Twitch authentication token configured in the settings

Using the settings on the main settings page works great if you are simply going to use one Twitch Integration on your site. Configure your settings, add your simple shortcode [sw-twitch] , and you're done.

But what if you want to have multiple Twitch Integrations on your site? Perhaps you want to have two or three on a single page, or you want to have different settings for each integration on different pages. That's where the shortcode attributes and values come in.

If you want to use multiple different integrations with custom settings throughout your site, you will have to set these custom variables in the shortcode. For example:

[sw-twitch layout="wall" channels="lirik,shroud,sodapoppin"]

This shortcode will embed a Twitch Wall Integration with three declared streamers.

The Free plugin from WordPress has a limited number of settings available, while Twitch Integration PRO offers over 30 settings. Each and every setting can be added to your shortcodes for fine, granular control. You can find a list of those attributes and settings for each plugin below.

Feel free to explore the various attributes and settings to create unique and customized Twitch Integrations according to your needs.

Full List of Shortcode Attributes and Values

Main Settings

Field Attribute Values Description
 Game game="" Input game name as appears on twitch Pulls all streams playing selected game
language="" Type ISO 639-1 2 letter language code
Pulls all streams labelled as this language
channels="" Input list of channel names separated by comma (no space required
Pulls only channels defined in field.
team="" Input name of twitch team exactly as it appears in twitch url.
Pulls all streams from defined twitch team.
Title Filter
title-filter="" Input a Term to filter streams (E.g "NoPixel")
Displays only streams containing filter in title.
limit="" Number up to 100
Limits number of streams to this number.

Layout settings

Embed Settings (PAID only)

Offline Settings (PAID only)

Autoplay Settings (PAID only)

Appearance Settings (PAID only)

Tile Settings (PAID only)

Hover Settings (PAID only)

Twitch Integration Layouts

StreamWeasels Twitch Integration comes with many different layouts. These layouts have their own settings on top of the Main Settings above. You can find out more about each of the StreamWeasels layouts with the link below:

Twitch Integration Layout Guide